In an effort to help at-risk students start the new school year on the right track, Communities In Schools (CIS) completed its annual Back to School Supply Drive.  Thirteen local affiliates partnered with 23 Walmart locations throughout Georgia to provide classroom items to students who did not have the proper supplies needed for the new school year. btw walmart

This year’s drive exceeded expectations with more than 13,000 items donated, which was a 385% increase over items donated last year.

The supply drive is one of many initiatives the state office provides to local network affiliates.  These types of initiatives help executive directors create better partnerships with public schools to increase academic achievement and assist in serving other student and family needs in their community.

Next year’s supply drive will occur from July through the middle of August and we will once again be promoting via Facebook and Twitter.  We hope you will visit a participating Walmart to support Communities In Schools’ back to school efforts.