To say that times are hard does not put into words what some of us are experiencing at this time. 

Family Connections/Communities In Schools of Hancock County Inc. has endured some of the toughest time that one can imagine. 

Since COVID-19 hit Georgia last year, Hancock County Schools have been closed to the students.  This school year has been virtual and continues to be that way.  For Communities In Schools, we are normally a hands on operations interacting with kids to ensure that they have all that they need to stay in school, achieve in school and be successful in life.  We do that by tracking attendance, behavior, academics and ensuring that they have resources needed to do their part. 

Hancock County is a physically large county with a population of less than 9,000.  We are very rural with little broadband access.  Our students have continued their education through the use of wifi hotspots where their use is possible. Where it’s not possible, paper copies of school work have to be picked up or delivered to students so they can complete their studies. 

Thank you Mr. Reid for all you do for us.

The school system delivers meals during the week by using buses and assists Communities In Schools with delivery of weekend backpack meals for kids.  Our Site Coordinator has minimal face-to-face contact with students due to the virus.  However, for students who cannot be reached through remote means, he does make home visits, delivering hard copies of school work, weekend backpack meals and providing support and encouragement while still being safe and social distancing. 

To quote some of the students: “Thank you Mr. Reid for all you do for us.”  For us in Hancock County this is a labor of love.  I have known these kids and most of their parents all of their lives.  We will continue to do all that we can for as long as we can to help the kids and their families.

—Regina Butts, Executive Director, CIS of Hancock County

—Ted Reid, Site Coordinator, CIS of Hancock County