Students Gain Marketable Skills

Students Gain Marketable Skills

Connecting at-risk students to community resources can provide exposure to career opportunities, while gaining much-needed experience and a head start towards a successful future.  One of CIS’ Five Basics is a marketable skill to use upon graduation.  Communities In...

SAM Regional Winners

The Student Achievement Month (SAM) regional winners were recently announced for the annual contest.  Competing in the four categories of written expression, public speaking, creative expression and computer technology, students (grades 1-12) from local affiliates...
College Access Connections

College Access Connections

Communities In Schools (CIS) of Georgia is a College Access Challenge Grant partner and the program provides collaborative opportunities to increase the number of high school students who enter college, particularly teens  
Reality U Prepares Students for Real World

Reality U Prepares Students for Real World

Communities In Schools of Marietta/Cobb County hosts financial literacy events known as Reality U.  The events help students understand the realities involved in preparing for adulthood and an employable future.  The goal is to learn about the correlation between...
Linking Students to Community Resources

Linking Students to Community Resources

Lindsay Cavin of Clarke Middle School and Leo Cotlar of Clarke Central High School in Athens established good relationships with their students, parent and volunteer organizations, local agencies, businesses and health care providers.  The types of integrated services...
Parent Engagement Campaign Receives Honor

Parent Engagement Campaign Receives Honor

Communities In Schools (CIS) of Georgia and Ogilvy Public Relations were recently awarded a Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) Silver Anvil Award of Excellence for collaboration on the parent engagement campaign Everyday Leads to Graduation Day: Parents Hold...