Hard Work Pays Off

Communities In Schools (CIS) of Georgia in Dooly County

Last year, CIS student, Jeff Felton, made a commitment to graduating and dreamed of going to college to play sports. He was rewarded for overcoming tough obstacles and focusing on his education when Allen University in South Carolina offered him a scholarship.

“I always tell my students that the bond we share is forever. Jeff continued to reach out to me during his first semester to read over essays and just to check in. A couple of weeks ago, I got a message stating he was about to make me really happy… The next message I got was a picture of him showing he made the President’s List! I was more than happy. I told him this is just the beginning. I tell my students all the time, ‘Hard Work Pays Off!’” —CIS Site Coordinator, Berkima Williams

CIS Alumni Jeff with Site Coordinator, Communities In Schools of Georgia in Dooly County