Communities In Schools of Catoosa County

At Cloud Springs Elementary in Catoosa County, Communities In Schools students gained knowledge about customs and traditions in other countries as well as the origins of those customs. Site Coordinators Hannah Cummings and Brooke Watson set the bar high.

Students rose to the occasion, enthusiastically tackling their latest research project “Holidays Around the World”.

They worked collaboratively in small groups, gathering information, determining credible sources, and using technology resources to put their projects together.

Checkpoint at Cloud Springs Elementary in Catoosa County

The next step; transforming a classroom into an airport. Jobs were assigned, including ticket counter salesmen, passport agents, TSA agents, and flight attendants.

Then each student invited their homeroom teacher and escorted them through “security” including baggage check and onboarding instructions. After ensuring the safety of all passengers, students helped guide teachers and administration on a trip around the world to explore how different countries celebrate winter holidays!

“Holidays Around the World” was an activity for students in the SPY (Serving Parents & Youth) program at Cloud Springs Elementary. SPY is an after-school program offering educational and emotional support to children. These supports target academics, social-emotional skills, and family engagement.