SAM state winners include: Front row (l-r) DeAsian Roundtree, Laken Cone, Jennifer Pardo, Fallon Williams and Bo Shi Shi.  Back row (l-r) Rachel Lord, Deasia Mosley, Aldonna Griffin and Mitch Thompson

SAM state winners include: Front row (l-r) DeAsian Roundtree, Laken Cone, Jennifer Pardo, Fallon Williams and Bo Shi Shi. Back row (l-r) Rachel Lord, Deasia Mosley, Aldonna Griffin and Mitch Thompson


For the past 11 years, Communities In Schools (CIS) of Georgia has recognized students at the annual Student Achievement Month (SAM) luncheon.  Many of these students are often overlooked and expected to underachieve.  The SAM contest helps them gain confidence and understand the importance of school success.  Students, grades K-12, who received sustained CIS services were eligible to enter the contest in one of four categories: computer technology, creative expression, public speaking or written expression.

More than 100 students from throughout Georgia competed at the local, regional and state levels.  Each state winner received prizes valued up to $1000 and high school seniors can opt for a scholarship to an accredited college in lieu of prizes.

Mitch Thompson, the high school computer technology winner from Fitzgerald High School, attributes the contest to helping gain more confidence in school as he prepares for college.  “It was very encouraging meeting everyone during the SAM events and the praise that I received, and it builds on the confidence I already had from participating in SAM,” Mitch said.  “After graduation I look forward to going to college and getting a criminal justice degree and working with youth.”

This year’s state winners also included: Laken Cone, Ben Hill Primary School, Fitzgerald; DeAsia Roundtree, Waynesboro Primary School, Waynesboro; Aldonna Griffin, Ben Hill Middle School, Fitzgerald; Deasia Mosley, Rutland Middle School, Macon; Jennifer Pardo, Ben Hill Middle School, Fitzgerald; Fallon Williams, Ben Hill Middle School, Fitzgerald; Rachel Lord, Turner County High School, Ashburn; and Bo Shi Shi, Clarkston High School, Clarkston.

This year’s awards ceremony also included the inaugural CIS Inspirational Teacher award.  Crystal Neal, a first grade teacher at Ben Hill Primary School, was honored for her partnership and support of CIS of Fitzgerald/Ben Hill County’s initiatives to help students achieve in the classroom.

Sarah Hawthorne of AlphaSkills, who has been a long-time supporter of SAM, received the Education Leadership Award for her partnership with CIS.  She recently trained site coordinators and volunteers through her “Read with Sarah” program to help at-risk students reading below grade level.

The luncheon featured guest speaker Loranzo Fleming, Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia.  Fleming touched on the future of America depends on youth and their responsibility to put in the hard work in the classroom to succeed.  He stressed no matter what the SAM winners want to do in life they will need an education and cannot drop out of school and into a good job.  Students must train and work hard to earn rewards.  He also challenged the winners to not let themselves, their family or their country down and continue their education.

SAM would not be possible without the generous support from our sponsors.  Arby’s Foundation, Walmart, AGL resources, Georgia Natural Gas and AlphaSkills were our champions this year.  If you are interested in supporting SAM or other opportunities at CIS of Georgia, please contact the marketing and communications department at 404-835-8907 or