The City of Albany, Department of Community and Economic Development invited 5th , 8th , and 12th grade students enrolled in the Dougherty County School System during the 2022-2023 school year to participate in an essay contest. Winners were presented April 10, 2023 at the Government Center and featured a host of community leaders ready to meet the winners. Two of our Communities In Schools of Georgia in Albany/Dougherty County were awarded!

Jeremy Mobley: 5th grade, Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School

Communities In Schools Site Coordinator: Rhonda Sisroe

What the Community Means to Me? That is not as easy a question as it sounds. The word ‘community’ means many things. It means family and friends and the people in my neighborhood. Being a part of the community has brought me closer to my elderly neighbors.

Community to me means friends, family, neighbors, and the fun activities in your daily life. Community is important for me to see those who are the same as me, and those who are different, as all being a part of my community. Not everyone is the same, but we are often working near the same goals and have the same needs. You can do a small act and it can have a ripple effect of reaching people that you couldn’t possibly imagine! Which is why being mindful and kind in your community is so important. We’re all connected.

When I think about my community I think of the lyrics to the Sesame Street song, “In Your Neighborhood.” I know a lot of people complain about social media but to me I do believe that it has allowed us to maintain our “community” and stay connected. I am thankful to know we are all in this together. “Community” is fairness and support of one another. But as the world has become more connected my community has expanded beyond the people that I meet each day to the people I connect with and stay connected to virtually through social media. We all are a community. I’m thankful, grateful, and truly blessed.


Armani Williams: 8th grade, Radium Springs Elementary School

Communities In Schools Site Coordinator: Rhonda Sisroe

In Social Studies, we were taught that a community consist of a group of individuals who share some of the same identities, values, and norms. A lot of people judge and look down on the people who live on the Southside of Albany. I do believe that there is great potential for our community. I like the community in which I live. My community is pretty good. What I like about my community is that we know one another.

I really enjoy when everyone gets together to play basketball. Also, during the holidays, we come together as a community to make a good community for the homeless. Some of the things that we do are feed them and help them get out the street by giving them a positive word. After doing the act of kindness, it makes me feel good. I feel that you must keep the community active in order for people to value it. For example, more free or affordable events for families.

Also, when going to Radium Middle, the community is beautiful and they have created a nice area for families to exercise and spend time together. I’m grateful for Communities In Schools being apart of my school community. Communities In Schools is so helpful because they care about our grade and how we are doing in life. The workers keep it real with us and they understand the stress that we are faced with. Just as CIS surround students with support, I think people will value the community if they know that they are valued as citizens and have support when going through difficult times.

Shane Richardson, Radium Springs Middle School

In my opinion, community is important, but my view of our community has changed. I do like how in my community, everyone knows one another. Also, the people have established a close bond that you become comfortable and use nick names instead of a person’s real name. Regarding my view of our community, it has gotten worse as I have become older. My family used to share stories of how the community use to lend a helping hand to people in need. Today, you can’t really help people in the community due to having the fear of them trying to harm or scam you. Here in Albany, the crime rate has increased. It seems as if people in the community do not value the life of others. This is evidenced by the number of shootings. The high crime rate has caused a fear for me because sometimes you can be innocent and still be placed in harm’s way.

I believe the community would be better if there were more things to do. For example, more family oriented locations besides Fun Park. I think a teenage arcade like Dave and Buster’s would be a great add to the community. Also, I think the leaders must go into the neighborhoods to see the issues that affect the community. Some of the issues in the community are poverty and crime. I have noticed that a lot of my peers are moving to surrounding counties such as Lee because it appears to be a better community. When looking at the surrounding counties, the crime rate is lower, the housing is better, and the community supports the school.